Tagged by CG
Four jobs you have had:
*scooper in natural foods section at a Seventh-day Adventist grocery store. We scooped bulk foods like carob chips, flour, nuts and others into bags, weighed them and labeled them for resale. It was fun cause we could eat out of the bowls but not so much fun when it was flour, which it mostly was. Flour: not so tasty raw. Plus, it gets everywhere.
*Reporter at two weekly newspapers
*reporter at a daily newspaper
*staff writer at two magazines covering ethanol and biodiesel
Four movies you could watch over and over:
*The princess bride
*When Harry Met Sally
*The fifth element
*Point of no return (Except for that one icky scene with the cleaner)
Four places you've lived:
* Gatzke, Minn
* Berrien Springs, Michigan
* Minneapolis, Minn. (Bad neighborhood central)
* Jamestown, N.D.
Four TV shows you love to watch:
*Serenity (Which was cancelled, grrr. But we have the complete first season plus un-aired episodes on DVD!)
*Design on a dime
*NYPD blue
* Stargate, Stargate Atlantis and Glactica (These count as a unit because every week my husband tapes them and we watch them together. Yes, I am now a sci-fi fan. Who would have guessed?)
Four places you've been on vacation:
* Sea World, can’t remember which one
Four of your favorite foods:
* Scallops (A vegetarian meat substitute. Hey, it’s not just for vegetarians!)
*Mashed Potatoes and stove top stuffing
* tiramisu
Four places you'd rather be right now:
*In Minneapolis with two of my nephews and sister Penny (I’m getting to see my other two nephews and niece and best friend Jen more now since starting to live in Grand Forks)
* On the homestead with the Nordvick clan (Including Luke, who is still in Iraq)
* On a tropical Island lounging with my wonderful husband
* Canoeing in the boundary waters, again with my husband and, of course, in a much more friendly season.
Four sites I visit daily: (only 4?!?)
* my husband’s blog
* my blog
* CG’s blog
* Heather’s blog I’m too lazy to link:
Four Bloggers you are tagging:
I’m SO not good at this. Some people hate doing it. Others like it. Anyone that has the time and inclination, I’d love to read their answers.The only one I think might want to/find time to is:
* Miss Smarty Pants, coooome on down!!