Sunday, November 13, 2005

the dream

I’ve always had recurring bad dreams. They differ according to my situation in life, but it seems I have the same dream, with variations over and over a lot. And I always seem to wake up with some “realization” upset because I always forgot this information during the day. Of course, it’s nothing, just seems like something in the night.

When I was a kid I’d dream that I was ice skating. In real life we’d done that in kindergarten with metal chairs to hold on to, kind of like kiddie walkers on the ice. In my dream something was terribly wrong with my legs and I couldn’t stay up on the ice, chair or not. It was always a very shameful thing to me, people in my dream were looking at me but trying to pretend they weren’t and I was very upset. Then I’d wake up and I’d have a terrible leg ache, something I got a lot when I was a kid. I’d think, no wonder I couldn’t stand up!

Then when I moved to Minneapolis and was living on my own after college I had a different reoccurring dream. I’d dream that cameras were watching me while I slept. And I’d sort of wake up but be too tired to do anything about it. Then I’d forget about it until the next time I dreamt it again. It seemed so real to me in the night.

My reoccurring dream as a married woman has something to do with Chad and some secret he only tells me in the night when I have this dream. His head is always turned away from me and his lips aren’t moving, he’s still laying down but he’s telling me something. Then when I “remember” this important information it’s like he’s laughing at me because I’ve “remembered” this over and over again and still I do nothing about it.

The reason I’m mentioning this is because it happened again last night. Chad was downstairs playing World of Warcraft and I was already asleep. Then I had the bad dream. I wanted to go get Chad, I always sleep better when he’s there, but I was too tired. So I woke up enough to call him on my cell phone, which was beside the bed!!

It was pretty hilarious. Chad answered his phone and said he’d come up to bed. But he still had to log off the game and by the time he got there I was sleeping again. When he got there I tried very hard to explain to him the important thing I knew we had to talk about, but apparently I only said something about the camera flash and it made no sense.

So there you have it: my reoccurring dream. I don’t really subscribe to the meanings behind dreams thing, it’s just a jumble of your own thoughts on scramble and on random replay I think. But if I could figure out how to stop having this dream, man I’d go for that!!

Any of you had reoccurring dreams?