Sunday, September 11, 2005

blast from past

Mom sent me this photo from my aunt's wedding and I just couldn't resist posting it. I'm not sure how old I am here.

And, in a completly unrelated post, Precious, our littlest kitty, has something wrong with her paw. She keeps licking it, won't let us look at it and isn't walking on it. We're afraid she sprained it, hurt one of her claws or burned it somehow, but have no idea how that happened. Yesterday when we came home from chuch she was fine. Then she disappeared sometime during lunch. I looked for her in all the likely places, was she locked in the basement accidentally or shut up in the entry? No. They sneak in those places then we accidentally shut the door and they get locked in.

Chad finally found her, six hours later, sleeping in a box with clothes in it in our closet. That was strange, but we didn't realize something was wrong until later that night when she came downstairs limping. She must have hurt herself and gone off in a dark corner.

She doesn't mind bending it, even carefully climbing to the top of the cat climber to sleep. But it's ovbiously hurting. Right now she's cuddled on my lap, sleeping.

I feel really guilty, even through we can't think of a single thing we could have done to hurt her. She hasn't gotten stepped on or anything like that. The most likely, and probably not, thing we have come up with is that I took beans out of the crockpot, moving the ceramic container to the table and leaving the underneath part hot on the counter. Perhaps she stuck a paw in and burned it? But I don't think it was that hot... The more I think about it, she only licks the bottom of her paw, the pads. I'm really thinking it must be some kind of injury to her pads, not a sprain or break.

Anway, I guess this post is mostly all about Precious. Now that I'm done I have to disturb the princess. She's so happy sleeping... Oh well, Maybe she will let me carry her into the living room to watch Vikings.